Addicted Children & Why They Do Not Express Their Issues
Addicted Children & Why They Do Not Express Their Issues? Angel Intervention Services is dedicated to assisting families in every way possible. When we talk about addicted children in this article, I want to be clear on what that means. As parents, our children are our children no matter how old they get. When I refer to the addicted child, I am talking about people who are age 13, but sometimes younger, to age 60 +, whose parents and/or family members are still living. During our recent move to a larger space and as we begin to work with more families in the Van Wert OH community, I have become painfully aware of the communication problems between parents and the addicted child. I encounter this issue all the time during interventions and it’s a well-known fact in this industry but getting hit in the face with it so readily reminds me how important it is that we address the issue. So many parents, as expected, live in fear. They don’t sleep, often they can’t eat, they suffer depression and all of them suffer from the basic but crippling anxiety that occurs when they have an addicted child.
When it comes to communication…forget about it. The family is absolutely set on “go”, the addicted child, no matter what age, is set to “bolt” or “run” and neither one of the parties can stop themselves. From a counseling and intervention standpoint, it’s frightening, to say the least and it leaves a family in utter ruin when the communication stops.
Addicted children pull away, begin to lie about every little thing, hide their substance abuse, stop taking care of themselves and their own children and stop the communication process with their families. Why? To avoid the fight. To avoid being caught abusing substances. To hide who they are becoming due to drug use and the reason a family might never suspect is that they stop communication in order to protect themselves! This may shock many people but it’s true. Addicted children, underneath it all, really are good people. They don’t want to be addicted, they don’t want to be liars, cheaters and thieves. They want to be good and do good.
At Angel Intervention Services, we look at every single person who comes through our doors as a good kid with a deadly addiction. We give people a chance when sometimes no one else will. Call us, we can teach you how to communicate with your addicted child. And if you’re the addicted child, we will give you a chance too. 419-771-1050 or Toll Free 1-800-430-2995
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